Dr. Harsh Vardhan Gupta
Chairman and Chief Consultant

Dr. Tanmay Gupta
Phaco Refractive & Medical Retina Consultant
Latest Technologies | Better Results |Better Vision
Experience it at Om Netra Kendra
To serve the community with latest high quality advanced eye health care.
To ensure that no patient loses vision due to lack of eye health care irrespective of his/her economic status.
To serve is our only right.
“सेवा ही अधिकार हमारा”
To take our patients from darkness to light.
” तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय “
We are in the profession of providing complete eye care solutions now for 30 years. The Hospital has always been at the forefront of every medical advancement in the field of Ophthalmic care in Central India. We are the pioneers in Refractive surgeries (LASIK LASER ,C3R, ICL,RLE ) in the state with nearly 10000 successful surgeries in 14years.
Our New center at Tagore nagar is equipped with latest and most advanced state of the art technology in our quest to provide the people of Chhattisgarh complete eye care solutions under one roof , We are the first eye hospital in Chhattisgarh state to have international standards Modular operation theatre complex with laminar airflow and HEPA filters and artifical intelligence guided micro incision phacoemulsification (MICS) advanced cataract surgeries with lifestyle lenses.
Visionary Care Beyond Sight: Where Precision Meets Compassion in Nurturing Your Eyesight Journey.
Chairman and Chief Consultant
Phaco Refractive & Medical Retina Consultant